HomeRole ModelCaroline Kurniawati, STP.

Caroline Kurniawati, STP.

  • When did you first decide to study and pursue a career in STEM?
    Initially, when I was in the third year of high school, I decided to go into food science because food is a primary human need that will never run out. Therefore, I majored in food science. When I first entered in the early semesters, it was mostly about chemical theory, biological theory, then in the later semesters there was a lot of new knowledge about food industry management, additives and so on. And I feel that during college from the beginning to the end, I became more and more open-minded towards technology and science, especially in the field of food. I entered the food science major in 2004 at Widya Mandala and graduated in 2008. After graduating, I applied for a job at PT Winaros, which was the first company I applied for and was accepted and I have stayed there until now.
  • What prompted you to study and pursue a career in STEM?
    What encourages me to study and pursue a career in STEM is that the food industry is a primary and basic industry so there are quite a lot of industries that need workers in the field of food science and technology.
  • How is the support system for women in pursuing and having a career in STEM in Indonesia?
    In my opinion, Indonesia is now quite supportive in the academic field and in the industrial field. Because I see that now there are a lot of women who have a good level of position in an industry in a company. Many manager levels are now held by women, then even higher levels than managers such as directors.
    The support system for women can be considered from the aspect of facilities for daycare or places to take care of children because frankly, when I first had a baby, I was also confused about how to divide my time between my career and my role as a housewife.

  • What tips can you give to women who are pursuing and working in STEM fields?
    My advice for every young woman who is currently studying or who is just starting a career in STEM, the point is that in the past I always did what was best for me. So even if it’s a small thing, but I try to do it to the best of my ability. So I always think that if I can get an A why should I get a B? If I can get a 100 why should I get a 90? For easy women who are just starting their careers or who are still studying, do your best even though it may not seem comparable to what we receive. For example, my salary is so much but why do I have to work so hard, but believe that it will all definitely come back to us because the knowledge is actually ours if we want to learn more and want to give more to the company, in the end we will receive the benefits ourselves.


“Give your best even if it doesn’t seem to be worth what we receive because in the end, we will receive the benefits ourselves”